CEKOM - Competence Center for Advanced Mobility, KK.
Project duration: 10/09/2020 – 10/09/2023
Source of co-financing: European Regional Development Fund, 2014 - 2020
R&D activities within the project:
IRA 3: Innovative solution for jet-propulsion unit; Institutional Project Manager: Prof. Nenad Vulić, PhD
IRA 12: Razvoj plutajuće platforme od umjetno zamrznute vode na zračnim komorama; Institutional Project Manager: Assistant prof. Zdeslav Jurić, PhD
IRA 13: Development and Construction of Compact Marine Medium Voltage Switch Block 15/17,5 (MMVSB 17,5); Institutional Project Manager: Associate prof. Maja Krčum, PhD
WRECKS4ALL – Protecting underwater heritage through its digitalization and valorisation as a novel touristic offer
Project duration: 15/08/2020. – 14/08/022.
Project manager: prof. Pero Vidan, PhD
Programme: Interreg IPA CBC Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, 2014 – 2020
This two-year project is a part of the third Priority Axis: Contributing to the development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage. The main aim of the project is a protection and valorisation of underwater heritage through its digitalization in order to create a new touristic offer. It is envisaged to create the project of virtual reality (VR) to enable access of the underwater sites for the wider public.
Besides Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, the other partners in the project are: University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor as a coordinating institution, Touristic organisation of the Municipality of Bar from Montenegro, Tourist Board of Herzegovina-Neretva County from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatian maritime museum from Split, as project partners.
BLUEWBC - Sustainable development of BLUE economies through higher education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries
Project duration: from 15/01/2020 till 14/01/2023
Project Reference: 609693-EPP-1-2019-1-NO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Academic project manager: Gorana Jelić Mrčelić, PhD, full professor
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action Type: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project BLUEWBC is implemented by the Faculty of Maritime studies at the University of Split under the Erasmus+ charter of the project partner, University of Split. The purpose of the project is to establish centres of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) in the maritime segment in Montenegro and Albania. Through the support of partners from Lithuania, Croatia and Norway, the project will establish study programs and strengthen existing study programs with curriculums in I&E.
Besides the University of Split, partners of the project are following institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as a coordinator and NTNU Ocean Training from Norway, University of Montenegro, Chamber of Economy and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Technopolis from Montenegro, University of Vlore, University of Tirana and General Maritime Directorat from Albania and Vilnius Gedimino Technical University from Lithuania.
Project web page:
MareMathics - Innovative Approach in Mathematical Education for Maritime Students
Project duration: from 31/12/2019 till 29/06/2022
Project Reference: 2019-1-HR01-KA203-061000
EU Grant: 224,204.00 €
Academic project manager: Anita Gudelj, PhD, associate professor
Administrative coordinator: Aleksandra Banić, MEcon, Univ Spec Econ
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
The implementation of MareMathics project is coordinated by the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, under the Erasmus+ charter of the beneficiary, University of Split.
MareMathics project will develop methods for learning mathematics for students of maritime study programmes, aiming at their improved acquiring of knowledge and results. Project envisages support for teachers of mathematics at maritime study programmes, in the form of innovative teaching methods, using contemporary IT and communication tools.
Besides the University of Split, partners of the project are following European institutions which implement maritime study programmes:
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia; Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia; Polish Naval Academy, Poland and professor Toni Milun from Croatia.
Research on Innovative Maritime Technologies with Equipping the Research Laboratory at the Faculty of Maritime Studies
Project aims to perform research on innovative technologies in maritime science about autonomous ships in maritime science along with publishing research papers. For that purpose, equipment for development of electromechanical prototypes and equipment for virtual and virtually aided reality will be procured.
Leading researcher:Joško Šoda, PhD
Duration of the project:from 17/04/2019 to 16/04/2023
Functional integration of the University of Split, PMF / PFST / KTF through the development of scientific and research infrastructure in the three faculty (3F) building
Contract number: KK.
Project beneficiary: University of Split
Project partners: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology
Project description: Implementation of a unified organizational-physical restructuring and procurement of scientific-research equipment and infrastructure within the building of three faculties.
Project objectives: The general objective of the project is the functional integration of the University of Split, in particular all three partners of this project in the area of scientific research and intelligent specialization, focusing on the foreseeable areas of health, sustainable environment and energy, engineering, biotechnology and biochemistry.
Specific objectives: Organizational reform of the scientific and research sector of the University of Split, PMF, KTF, PFST with emphasis on the development of applied scientific cooperation with the economy and the unified utilization of scientific and research infrastructure. Improvement of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, a system of unified management for the building of three faculties (3F) in order to reduce maintenance costs, energy costs and the unified use of all premises, laboratories and scientific and research equipment. Raising the quality of scientific research papers, projects, innovations and patent applications by finding market niches for the aforementioned.
Expected results: The organizational reform of the R&D sector has been implemented with the "Beneficiary" and "Partner", established through a unified management, production, research and development management system and scientific research infrastructure, established cooperation system for collaborative research and projects with the economy and scientific research centers in Croatia abroad. Increased energy efficiency of 3F Building and improved laboratories for the implementation of new equipment, network and energy distribution infrastructure. Acquisition of specialized scientific-research equipment. Permanent activities on project presentation to interested public. An increase in the number of scientific research papers and projects, number of researchers, number of cooperation agreements with the economy, number of established offices for research and development.
Total value: 85.142.157,88 kuna (EU co-finances: 82.870.870,38 kuna)
Project implementation period:from 01/09/2018 to 01/04/2021
Leading for PFST:Ivan Komar, PhD
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Internationalization of Marine Fisheries and Military Maritime Studies programs at the University of Split
Contract number: UP.
Project beneficiary: University of Split
Project partners: Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Humanities and University Library of Split
Project description: The project plans the development and implementation of an integrated undergraduate and graduate study of Military Maritime and a Master's Degree in Marine Fisheries in English. The project will enable staff to develop didactic pedagogic competences, ICT and language skills, and equip them with teaching literature and technical equipment. Through the planned study visits to renowned European higher education institutions, teaching staff will familiarize themselves with the practice and resources of successful institutions in the area. In the part of the development and implementation of study programs that require specialist knowledge, the engagement of external experts is envisaged.
Objectives and expected results: Improving the quality and relevance of higher education through internationalization, increasing the number of study programs in foreign languages by strengthening the competences of students and staff of higher education institutions. The project will develop, establish and begin the implementation of an integrated undergraduate and graduate university study on Military Maritime and a Master's Degree in Maritime Fisheries in English which will contribute to the internationalization of higher education and better integration of the Republic of Croatia into the EU.
The total value of the project is 1,750,274.03 kuna, the total amount and the total eligible, of which the European Union project co-finances with 85% and the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia with 15%.
Duration: 12/10/2018 - 11/10/2021
Leading for PFST: Merica Slišković, PhD
Use of a radio locating in SAR operations
Project manager: Zvonimir Lušić, PhD, associate professor
Duration: 09/03/2018 – 09/03/2020
Establishment of reference database for studying the influence of weather conditions on marine video surveillance
Project manager: Igor Vujović, PhD, assistant professor
Duration: 09/03/2018 – 09/03/2022
Physical activity, sleep patern and psychological stress of skippers and nautical officers
Project manager: Andrea Russo, PhD, assistant professor
Duration: 09/03/2018 – 09/03/2020
Ship Motions dataBASE
Project manager: Luka Mudronja
Duration: 09/03/2018 – 09/03/2020
Development of qualificationa and innovative methods of competence acquisition in Logistics and Maritime transport (KIKLOP)
Contract number: H.R.3.1.15-0029
Project partners: Pomorski Fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci
Lead for PFST: Merica Slišković, PhD
Duration: 19/06/2015 - 18/09/2016
Udruga pomorskih agenata
KD Autotrolej d.o.o. Rijeka
Zorović Maritime d.o.o.
Panalpina Croatia d.o.o.
Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, Sveučilište u Splitu
Maritime management for the 21st century – sustainable and intelligent development of the coastal zone through the development of professions and qualification standards in the field of Maritime management and the development of the relative university graduate study
Contract number: H.R.3.1.15-0033
Project manager: Merica Slišković, PhD
Duration: 19/06/2015 - 18/09/2016
Lučka uprava SDŽ
Stowarzyszenie B-4
Hrvatska udruga poslodavaca
Nautika Centar Nava d.o.o.
Marine Kaštela d.o.o.
Bav-Adria Yachting d.o.o.
Plovput d.o.o.
TEMPUS “Modernizing and harmonizing maritime education in Montenegro and Albania” MArED
Project lead for PFST and UNIST: Pero Vidan, PhD, assistant professor
Partners: Fakultet za pomorstvo Kotor
Duration: 24/01/2014 – 30/11/2017
Possibilities of reducing harmful emissions from ships in the Montenegrin and Croatian Adriatic through the implementation of Marpol Annex VI
Project manager: Ivan Komar, PhD, assistant professor
Duration: 20/01/2013 – 09/07/2015
Project IPA 3 c Science and innovations: "Technology transfer infrastructure in the Croatian Adriatic Region - TTAdria"
Project manager: Nikola Balić, BEng, University of Split, Technology Transfer Office
Duration: 06/04/2013 – 05/08/2015
Sveučilište u Dubrovniku
Veleučilište u Šibeniku
Veleučilište “Marko Marulić” u Kninu
Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo
Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša
Sveučilište u Splitu, Medicinski fakultet
Sveučilište u Splitu, Pomorski fakultet
Sveučilište u Splitu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet
Sveučilište u Splitu, Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet
Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje
Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli
Sveučilište u Zadru
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
New technologies in marine propulsion system diagnostics and management
Contract number: 250–2502209–2364
Project manager: Ivan Komar, PhD, assistant professor
Duration: 02/01/2007 – 27/10/2014