Documents referring to quality assurance
International standards
- ESG Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area
The idea is to apply equal standards and rules for assuring the quality of higher education across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In order to achieve this objective, relevant institutions and associations create important documents regarding this issue. - ISO 9001:2008
Higher education quality assurance at national level
- Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education
- Safety and Health Protection at Workplace Act (Official Gazette / Narodne Novine No. 59796; 94796; 114/03; 100/04; 86/08; 116/08; 75/09)
- Law on fire protection (Official Gazette / Narodne Novine No. 58/93; 33/05; 92/10)
- Quality Assurance Handbook of the University of Split
- Outcomes
Institutional level of higher education quality assurance
- Regulations on Quality Assurance System at the Faculty of Maritime Studies – University of Split
- Regulations on Periodic Internal Audit of the Quality Assurance System at the Faculty of Maritime Studies – University of Split
- Regulations on the procedure of Students' assessment of the quality of teachers and teaching
- Safety at Work Rule Book (Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split)
- Fire Protection Rule Book
- Regulations on the Contents of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act
- Risk Assessment at Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split
- Collective Agreement
- Quality Management System Manual (ISO:9001)
- Quality assurance manual