
Postgraduate studies

From the academic year 2019/20, the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split initiates the delivery of the postgraduate university  (doctoral) study. This will free the interested candidates from the need of earning their Ph.D. degrees in traffic and transport technology in another city, i.e. Rijeka or Zagreb.

The curriculum of the postgraduate university study 'Technologies in Maritime Affairs' has been aligned with the recommendations of  SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education). The principal SEFI's recommendations for postgraduate university studies with which this curriculum is in line are the following:

  1. Doctoral thesis shall be the outcome of individual scientific research,
  2. Doctoral degree is the third qualification within the Bologna process
  3. Flexibility of doctoral education,
  4. Improved supervision quality,
  5. Enrolment in the study shall be clear and transparent, and
  6. Curriculum should not be in the form of a formal syllabus.

This study is comparable to similar doctoral studies delivered at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb and the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka. These postgraduate studeis educate the staff with a similar academic title. However, the concept of studying at the doctoral study of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split fiffers from the above mentioned studies in:

  1. Sustainability of the study,
  2. Concept of studying,
  3. internationalisation,
  4. admission of potential candidates,
  5. selection of topic and supervisor,
  6. funding of scientific research work,  and
  7. ratio of tuition and research work.

This study will not be funded by the University or the Faculty of Maritime Studies. Tuition fee is sufficient for tuition of candidates and activities of the Study.

Tuition consists of two core and three elective courses. Tuition fee will be used for the candidates' research work and for coverage of study expenses. The total of tuition fees and the total of funds for projects on which the candidates would be engaged, should be sufficient for scientific-research work to the point of doctoral thesis creation.

Doctoral candidates enrolling based on the call for admission have to select the supervisor and the area in which they wish to do their research before the enrolment. Supervisor has to be competent and evaluate the candidate's potential.

The supervisor develops the doctoral candidate's research plan together with the candidate. Means for the research come from tuition fees and funds. The study is based on scientific-research work.

Evaluation of scientific papers published is done according to the following criteria:

  1. scientific paper in international scientific journal from scientific bases: CC and SCI - 25 ECTS,
  2. scientific paper in international scientific journal from scientific base SCI-E - 20 ECTS,
  3. scientific paper in international scientific journal from scientific base SCOPUS - 8 ECTS,
  4. international conference (with certificate of attendance and presentation) - 7 ECTS,
  5. research work on a scientific project - 15 ECTS,
  6. research work on projects (developmental,innovative, etc.) by the EU - 10 ECTS (decision by the Faculty Council),
  7. research in professional work and projects, e.g. economic and alike - 4 ECTS.

Tuition is organised so that through scientific-research work ECTS credits are earned. Therefore, as a difference from the other studies whose Heads are responsible to the Vice-Dean for Teeaching and Academic Affairs, this Study is subject to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research.

Ordinance on the postgraduate university study 'Technologies in Maritime Affairs'


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Forms (neccessary for enrollment):

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