Public Defence on Doctoral Thesis of PhD Candidate Ivana Golub Medvešek
Public defence on doctoral thesis of PhD candidate Ivana Golub Medvešek with the title:
„A Method of Hydrographic Survey Technology Selection Based on the Decision Tree Supervised Learning"
will be held on 16th July 2021. at 12 pm CET in Faculty hall by the Committee:
- full prof. Pero Vidan, PhD - president
- prof. Blagovest Belev, PhD, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria - member
- assoc. prof. Joško Šoda, PhD - member
- assoc. prof. Igor Vujović, PhD - member
- assist. prof. Tina Perić, PhD - member
Public defence is open to all interested in.
Doctoral thesis is available for consultation to all parties interested every day from 11 am to 12 pm in Faculty Library.