

BLUEWBC Project: Three days event Teaching staff training (Task 4.1) and Staff training for new and upgraded equipment (Task 4.3) at University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies from 8th to 10th of December 2021

On 08/12/2021, meeting with Matea Dorčić dipl.iur. Head of Administrative department of Tourism and Maritime affairs Split-Dalmatia County was organised for University of Tirana and University of Vlora Representatives at Split-Dalmatia County.

On 09/12/2021 and 10/12/2021 experts from UNIST and invited speakers shared their knowledge on: Cross-country collaboration on blue growth and economy, Maritime transport emerging goals as an important sector within countries' Blue economy, The role of technology in blue economy and maritime tourism and New tourism management. Simultaneously to Teaching staff training, Staff training for new and upgraded equipment: Engine Room Simulators and Bridge Simulators were performed.


bluewbc-12-1 b67ea

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