
Quality Assurance


The quality of the higher education system is a dynamic category that essentially relies on the striving for constant improvement of all processes and their outcomes.

The notion of quality is closely related to the notion of quality culture and its enhancement. The quality culture refers to spreading the examples of good practice at national and international levels. It primarily fosters the introduction and enhancement of standards, criteria and transparency throughout the operation process as well as the sound relationships between the state and economy on the one hand, and higher education and science on the other.


Quality assurance system at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split

The purpose of the Quality assurance system is the implementation of the quality assurance principles, criteria and methods in compliance with the provisions of the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education and the Statute of the University of Split, as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

The Faculty's Quality assurance system is implemented through the following bodies:

  1. Quality enhancement committee
  2. Quality enhancement centre
  3. Teaching Committee
  4. Committee for students' issues
  5. Committee for research and science
  6. Committee for periodical internal review of the quality assurance system
  7. Working group on monitoring the quality and outcomes
  8. Other relevant bodies within the Faculty's Quality assurance system.


Areas of quality assurance at the Faculty include

  1. Rules, procedures and activities aimed at permanent assurance and enhancement of quality at the Faculty
  2. Surveillance and periodic evaluation of the study programmes
  3. Assurance and enhancement of the teaching process quality at the Faculty
  4. Assurance of quality of the teaching and non-teaching staff
  5. Equipment level, availability and relevance of the system for teaching and research activities
  6. Assurance of quality of the scientific and professional activities
  7. Institutional support for students
  8. Mobility of students, teaching and non-teaching staff
  9. Public transparency of operation